

【家校共育】开放见证生长 携手同营生长?


四月芳菲,温暖如约而至!小学部多元素养和一年级的家长走进漂亮的森林校园,配合见证孩子的生长和前进  。

April is a beautiful month, and warmth comes as promised!Preschool and first grade parents step into the beautiful forest campus, and witnessed the growth and progress of the children together

运动最先,小学部Mia校长为本次运动致辞,向各人的到来体现热烈的接待,同时Mia校长提出,这次家长开放日运动,是一次家长相识孩子生长、相识西席事情和学校办学思绪的时机,是对先生教学事情的增进,更是对孩子在校时代课堂学习状态的一次校阅  。

At the beginning of the event, Principal Mia of the Primary School gave a speech to warmly welcome everyone to the event.At the same time,Principal Mia suggested that this Open Day is an opportunity for parents to listen to the class, to observe the children’s performance , and to feel the wisdom of the lively and passionate classroom.

最美的旋律是书声,最好的景物在课堂  。陪同着优美的铃声,家长在副班主任的向导下进班随堂听课,仔细视察孩子们的体现,感受课堂上生动激情的智慧之花  。

The most beautiful melody is the sound of books, and the best scenery is in the classroom. With the beautiful bell, parents step in class to listen to the class and carefully observe the performance and feelings of the children.The parents also have a good understanding of the children’s state of learning in the classroom.

课堂上,孩子们的听课状态认真专注,先生们的教学内容富厚有趣、形式多样;家长们也陶醉在栩栩如生的精彩课堂   ?吹胶⒆用堑纳ず妥,家长们心里无比欢愉  T硕⑹潞,家长们认真填写了反响表  。作为一个观摩者,他们为孩子的点滴前进喝彩,更为学校给孩子提供优质的教育教学点赞  。

Parents were overjoyed to see the growth and changes in their children.After the activity, the parents filled out the feedback form carefully.As an observer, they applauded the children’s progress, and they applauded the school for providing quality education and teaching to their children.

这次家长开放日运动是开放办学的见证,更是家校共育的行动  。专心加入,发明优美  。以爱相约,同心共育!愿每一个森林学子都可以康健茁壮,生长为具有中国心的天下公民!

This Parents’ Open Day activity is a testimony of open school running and an action of home-school co-education. Participate with your heart and find beauty. Make an appointment with love and cultivate together with one heart! May every forest student be able to be healthy and strong and grow up to be a global citizen with a Chinese heart!

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